In terms of quality this is the best yellow I have ever used....Ever! Yellow is the hardest color it seems for anyone to actually make right. Most of the time it is a streaky mess but not this. The first coat down goes on streaky, the second coat fixes most of that but the third coat is what makes it perfection. At three coats it levels itself out and ends up looking perfect. The polish was super easy to work with. If you need the perfect yellow for summer this is definitely the polish to get. It sells for $10 at
I also got Nevermore which is a 1 coat black polish that is just insanely amazing! I will be posting about that in a couple days but today I am using it for stamping. I thought since it is perfect in one coat it would make an amazing stamping polish and yep it really does!
My nails below are three coats of feel me up in the first picture topped with a coat of Seche Vite. The second picture is the same but with stamping with Nevermore and another layer of Seche.
Awww i love this! Ill be doing a lot of stamping with Feel Me Up, it just doesnt suit my skin tone. It looks brilliant on you though!! xx